Section 8/HCV Program Info

The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program provides rental assistance to very low-income families to rent a house, mobile home or apartment from a landlord.

Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) receive federal funds from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to administer the program.  In Maine, many local housing authorities have HCV programs. A state program serves areas not covered by local housing authorities.

 ***South Portland Housing Authority administers a combined total of 739 tenant-based and project-based vouchers***

A family that receives a housing voucher is responsible for finding a suitable housing unit of the family’s choice. The housing authority must inspect the unit to be sure it is safe and affordable and the landlord must agree to the terms and rent the program provides.

The landlord sets the rent and the PHA decides how much of the rent the program will pay.  The family pays the difference (about 30% to 40% of household income) directly to the landlord.Tenants also pay a full security deposit if required by the landlord.

The South Portland Housing Authority’s jurisdiction is as follows:
Anywhere in: South Portland, Scarborough, Cape Elizabeth and Old Orchard Beach.Within 10 miles of the South Portland border in: Gorham, Falmouth and South Windham.

PORTABILITY:  Participants assisted for a year under the voucher program (and applicants who lived in South Portland when they applied for assistance) have a statutory right to lease an eligible unit, under certain conditions, anywhere in the United States where there is a voucher program in operation.