South Portland Housing Authority (SPHA) owns and/or manages over 600 units of housing scattered throughout the City of South Portland. These units are made up of 5 different housing programs which are administered by SPHA and listed below.
The waiting list for these housing programs typically opens twice a year. You can call the SPHA office to find out when we will be accepting applications. It will also be posted on the home page of our website and in the Portland Press Herald. When the list opens, you can call to schedule an appointment to complete an application.
PUBLIC HOUSING: SPHA has 346 Public Housing units for low-income 55 years or older, elderly (62+), handicapped or disabled persons 18 years of age and over, and for those who qualify as a family.
Applicants on the Public Housing list may be offered a unit at any of the following locations:
Units available: Efficiencies, 1, 2, 3, & 4 bedroom units. Handicap accessible units available .
Water, Heat, Electricity, and Gas included.
At all Public Housing units, residents pay 30% of their adjusted household income for rent.
MILL COVE APARTMENTS (10 Soule Street): 82 units for very low-income elderly (62+) or handicapped or disabled persons over the age of 18.
ADAM COURT (Landry Circle): 10 handicap accessible, 2 bedroom units available.
RIDGELAND ESTATES (109 Ridgeland Avenue): 80 units for persons 55 years or older.
BETSY ROSS HOUSE (99 Preble Street Ext.): 123 units for persons eldery (62+).